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Top Stories November 09, 2000 09:49 PM PST
AppleMasters in Asia
At an inaugural event in Singapore, the AppleMasters program celebrates 18 leading athletes, musicians, artists, educators and civic leaders from five countries: Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. [Nov 9]

The Rapturous Cube
“Words like ‘striking’ and ‘inspiring’ are rarely used to describe desktop computers,” writes Popular Science for its Best of What’s New Grand Award. “But they seem almost insufficient to describe Apple’s rapturous Power Mac G4 Cube, a shiny, silvery, and silent (there’s no fan) box that looks more like a stunningly designed toaster for the Star Trek generation than simply a next-generation Power Mac.” [Nov 9]

“QuickTime Rules”
“For versatility, QuickTime rules,” writes Jim Heid in the Los Angeles Times, comparing computer audio and video technologies. “More than a streaming platform, QuickTime is a multimedia operating system used for everything from Web playback to video production. QuickTime also incorporates the very cool QuickTime VR, which delivers 360-degree panoramic scenes you can navigate with the mouse.” [Nov 9]

Sade Album Premieres
Sade’s studio album “Lovers Rock” will premiere exclusively via QuickTime on the Internet Nov 14, four days before it arrives in stores. [Nov 9]

Mac Certified for Oracle
Oracle and Apple announced certification of Macintosh on Oracle E-Business Suite, which supports key business functions from enterprise to campus. The Oracle E-Business Suite works with Mac OS 9 today, and is scheduled to support Mac OS X in 2001. [Nov 8]

LEGO Evolves
LEGO is more than the brightly colored plastic blocks and bricks we played with as kids. In fact, LEGO’s latest creations have more to do with silicon than with plastic. [Nov 8]

Artists’ Choice
“Apple’s Macs still hold an almost mystical appeal for some people, such as writers and teachers. That’s especially true for artists who use graphics programs that still run better on Macs than on PCs,” writes Charles Haddad in BusinessWeek. “That doesn’t mean you have to be the artsy type to own a Mac. These machines are ideal for anyone who doesn’t give a fig about how computers work. There is still no computer that’s easier to set up and use.” [Nov 7]

Rev Your Mac
The Mac Games area gears up for the holiday season with two hot new racing games. If you get a flat tire, check out trivia, the Real Myst trailer or games for tots. [Nov 7]

Thumbs Raised for iBook
“I give the iBook Special Edition two thumbs up — way, way up,” writes Bob LeVitus in the Houston Chronicle. [Nov 6]

Cutting Edge Tool
“Designed as an entry-level program with many professional-grade features, [iMovie] leaves its rivals in the dust with its beefy arsenal of clip-organizing features, movie-title options, between-clip transitions, audio-editing capabilities and visual effects,” according to Pioneer Planet’s Julio Ojeda-Zapata. [Nov 6]

MP3 for the Rest of Us
“Democratization of music distribution is what MP3 is all about,” opines LA Times columnist Jim Heid as he explains how to make, play and swap MP3 files. Try building your own Internet radio — all with the ease of Macintosh. [Nov 3]

ProMax Ships First DualHead AGP Display Card
With the new DH-MAX, graphic designers and DV and audio editing pros can connect two analog monitors from the AGP port of the Power Mac G4. [Nov 2]

Anytime Admin
“I can go … just about anywhere in the building, and still control any workstation or server in the lab from my iBook,” says Biola University’s system administrator. [Nov 2]

Dream Computers, Dream Homes
William Lindy, Inc. delivers extraordinary services to clients, including virtual tours of dream homes and watching and supervising from a home computer while a designer makes changes to a plan. [Nov 1]

PowerMacs Probe the Gene Pool
Understanding volumes of gene sequence and protein information requires significant computational power. At Human Genome Sciences, the Power Mac does everything from experimentation to administration. [Oct 31]

“Aqua enhances the Mac’s reputation for elegant simplicity,” writes InfoWorld’s P.J. Connolly. “It takes advantage of the underlying OS’s graphics and multitasking capabilities to deliver a noticeable improvement to the user experience.” [Oct 30]

Recent News
Mac OS X-cellent
“Will OS X be the system on which the next World Wide Web-size killer application is written? Yes, I think so,” writes Larry O’Brien in the Software Development Times. [Oct 27]

Salon Reviews Up Mac OS X
“The entire system has a graceful fluidity worthy of the Bolshoi Ballet,” notes Janelle Brown, adding, “OS X is also screamingly fast compared with older Mac operating systems.” [Oct 25]

Napster for the Mac
Download the Carbon based version of Napster for the Mac, which combines the full power of Napster in a Mac friendly Interface. [Oct 24]

Star Wars: Episode II on Location
Travel around the world with Ahmed Best and get a behind the scenes glimpse into the production of Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: Episode II. Requires QuickTime 4. [Oct 24]

MacPlay Brand Revival
“We recognize the importance of the Macintosh gaming market,” says Brian Fargo, Interplay’s chairman and chief executive officer, regarding MacPlay’s announcement of games for the holiday season. [Oct 24]

Apple Wins ZDNet’s Support Star Award
“Apple Computer successfully makes its customers happy with courteous and prompt technical support service,” writes Wendy Dittamore on ZDNet.“Overall, Apple ranked highest with users who were completely satisfied with their technical support experience.” [Oct 23]

Share Your Desktop Movies
It’s been a year since we introduced iMovie, the digital video software that’s as easy to use as Macintosh. By now you’ve probably discovered how cool iMovie is, and have posted your own movies as QuickTime files on your free iTools HomePage. We’d love to see what you’ve done. To tell us about your experiences — and share your movies — write us at [Oct 20]

Recent Press Releases
Epic Records Group, VIBE Online and Apple Announce Premiere Of Sade’s New Album Online

Oracle Certifies Mac Client On Oracle E-Business Suite

Cheryl Vedoe Joins Apple as Vice President of Education Marketing and Solutions

Apple Reports Fourth Quarter Profit of $170 Million

Apple and Pinnacle Ship Uncompressed Video Editing Solution at Breakthrough Price

Apple’s QuickTime 4 Surpasses 100 Million Mark

More press releases

League for Innovation (CIT) — Anaheim
Nov 15-18
Macworld Expo — San Francisco
Jan 9-12
Apple In-Store Events — Various US Store Locations
Nov 4- Dec 24
More Events and Seminars
QuickTime Hot Picks
Dungeons & Dragons
Duke 2000
John Lennon Interview
Charlie’s Angels
New Apple Commercial
Episode II: On Location
More QuickTime Hot Picks

Apple Software Updates
PowerBook Firmware Update 2.7
Mac OS Runtime for Java 2.2.3
FireWire Update 2.5
AirPort 1.2
Final Cut Pro 1.2.5
Power Mac G4 Firmware Update 2.4
AppleWorks Updater 6.0.4
iBook Firmware Update 2.4
iMac Firmware Update 2.4
More Apple Software Updates

Mac Software Updates
BBEdit 6.0.1
Game Sprockets 1.7.5
Aladdin StuffIt Expander 6.0
Third Party Mac OS 9 Updates
Aladdin DropStuff 6.0
More Mac Software Updates

Recent Feature Stories
Marine Macs Preserve Ecology
The Right Prescription
Crossing a Frozen Continent
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