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Es una empresa transacional que fabrica y comercializa herramientas, programas y servicios relacionados con la informatica. IBM tiene su sede en Armonk (Nueva York, Estados Unidos) y esta constituida como tal desde el 15 de junio de 1911, pero lleva operando desde 1888.

  • Accelerate application deployment
  • Reduce Total Cost of Ownership
  • Centralize management
  • Experience open, universal access to new and existing applications


Information on software and publications for the Thin Client Manager

NetVista N2200 Price Reduction

When it comes to thin clients, IBM knows how to make ours even more popular. On August 1, 2000 all available IBM NetVista N2200 Thin Client models in the USA received a nearly 14 percent price reduction. These low-cost, small form factor thin clients do more than fill the gap between yesterday's terminals and today's PCs. They can provide access to all intranet and internet applications, as well as existing Windows and terminal applications -- all at the same time.

And there's more good news. This price reduction adds to the already substantial Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) savings that the IBM NetVista N2200 Thin Clients are generating. GartnerGroup in a March 2000 report indicated a 20 to 35 percent TCO savings over loosely managed PCs. In that same report IBM was the only vendor to receive GartnerGroups' prestigious "Magic Quadrant" recognition. This is the third year in a row that we have taken sole ownership of this achievement.

Further information on the NetVista N2200 is available.

The NetVista N2800

The NetVista N2800 is the most powerful and versatile of the IBM NetVista thin clients. It is optimized to run integrated business applications and to access business-oriented multi-media content in server-based computing environment.

  • Adapts to wide range of specialized business needs
  • Flexible expansion
  • Large memory capacity with high quality audio and color video support

Further information on the NetVista N2800 is available.

IBM NetVista N2200e and NetVista N2800e,  Thin Client Express

Thin Client Express offers a fast, simple way to access applications on Windows 2000 and Windows NT Terminal Server Edition 4.0, and other server-based applications.

Thin Client Express is a packaged hardware and software solution that includes an IBM NetVista thin client that provides essential IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager functions on a CompactFlash card pre-installed on the hardware.  This includes:

  • ICA client
  • Emulators
  • Basic V2R1 desktop functions
  • Streamlined setup process
  • Local boot from flash
  • Separate utility program available for flash service

Further details for the Thin Client Express are available.

IBM NetVista N2200w, Thin Client for Windows-based Terminal Standard 1.5

IBM NetVista N2200w, Thin Client for Windows-based Terminal Standard 1.5 provides fast, easy access to server-based multiuser Windows applications using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or Citrix's Independent Computing Architecture (ICA).

The N2200w will:

  • Deliver a fast, easy-to-access "Windows-standard" environment
  • Leverage existing Microsoft® Windows® infrastructure, tools and knowledge
  • Permit transition to IBM Thin Client Manager or Linux environments

Further details for the Thin Client for Windows-based Terminal Standard 1.5 are available.

IBM NetVista thin client with IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager

IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager software delivers a rich user environment and the management and administration tools needed to get maximum benefit from Thin Client computing. Software specifications for Thin Client Manager V2R1 are available.

NetVista thin client with IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager offers you:

  • Centralized, server-based management and administration
  • Fast, easy application deployment, reduced total cost of ownership, efficient use of IT resources and enhanced security, data backup and recovery
  • Access to desktop environment from any NetVista thin client in the enterprise, allowing users to "roam"
The IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager is included in the purchase of an N2200 or N2800, but must be ordered separately.

Details for ordering this software.


    Thin client
    On selected Thin Clients
     More info
    NetVista Thin client
      Zero Footprint Option
      Thin Client Express
      Windows-based Terminal
    Thin Client Manager
    Thin client for retail
    Thin client for finance
     Unique Uses
    Built to last
    Dining room fixture
    After-school program
    Apartment furnishing
    IBM NetVista Thin Client for Windows-based Termial Standard 1.5
    IBM NetVista Thin  Client with IBM NetVista Thin Client Manager
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